SU Roadsmart 1 (Intermediate) (VIC)

Our four hour SU Roadsmart 1 expands the skills - both mental and physical - that your journey through the licencing courses introduced you to.

  • 30 March
    4 hours, 15 minutes, 08:15 AM - 12:30 PM
    40a Old Sneydes Road Werribee
    • $199.00 incl. GST
    • Weekend
    Register6 places remaining
  • 26 October
    4 hours, 15 minutes, 08:15 AM - 12:30 PM
    40a Old Sneydes Road Werribee
    • $199.00 incl. GST
    • Weekend
  • 07 December
    4 hours, 15 minutes, 08:15 AM - 12:30 PM
    40a Old Sneydes Road Werribee
    • $199.00 incl. GST
    • Weekend

  • Half day course
  • Track-based, road focused
  • A car-free environment to work on your skills
  • The first step to riding smart on the road
  • Recognised by many insurers as a course which gives you a premium discount
  • Not sure? Call us! 1300 366 640

The first of three road-focused courses, our four hour SU Roadsmart 1 expands the skills - both mental and physical - your journey through the licencing courses introduced you to. SU Roadsmart 1 allows you to build your seat-time in a car-free environment and with our experienced coaches. If you are the nervous friend or family member of a new rider, this is the perfect antidote, too! Call us for a gift voucher (1300 366 640).

There is zero pressure on you to ride at any pace other than the one you are comfortable with, but we will work with you on road-focused cornering technique. We will show you how using Roadcraft properly can make your ride infinitely more enjoyable - knowledge SU has developed since 1981. We help you develop your braking technique and your confidence in using them, show you how to use your vision to reduce your risk and the opportunity to practice it all at a realistic road speed.

The half-day format makes it easier to digest the new information, but still leaves plenty of riding time. We keep the off-bike sessions to a minimum, ensuring your on-bike time is well spent and travelling in the right direction. Not to mention it's more fun that way!

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